
Philippe Giguère, ing., Ph.D.
Professeur Agrégé
Bureau: 3976 Pavillon Pouliot
Téléphone: 1-418-656-2131 #403076
email: philippe.giguere@ift.ulaval.ca
Google Scholar, ResearchGate



Philippe Giguère is associate professor at the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering at Laval University (Québec City) since 2010. He has 15 years of experience in mobile robotics and sensing in academia, and 6 years of experience in embedded, real-time systems in the private industry. The main focus of his research is to increase the autonomy of intelligent robotics systems deployed in challenging and unstructured environment (forest, harsh weather, underwater), through the application of advanced machine learning techniques or sensor fusion. His most recent reseach areas include 3D localization and mapping with LiDAR, grasping, Deep Learning in computer vision (2D/3D), and terrain identification. He is a member of the FRQNT-REPARTI network on intelligent environments, the Centre de recherche en robotique, vision et intelligence machine (CerVIM), and the center for big data (CRDM) of Laval University.

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Département d'informatique et de génie logiciel
Faculté de science et génie
Université Laval,
Québec, Québec, Canada
G1V 0A6