Simon Hardy, Ph.D., P.Eng.

Investigator, Molecular and cellular neuroscience

CERVO Brain Research Center


Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot, room 3944

Université Laval

Québec (QC), CANADA, G1V 0A6

Phone: +1 418-656-2131 extension 3409

Centre de Recherche CERVO

2601, de la Canardière, room F-6561-10

Québec (QC), CANADA, G1J 2G3

Phone: +1 418-663-5747 extension 6721


Postdoctoral fellow - Systems Biology Center New York, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Iyengar Lab

Short-term postdoctoral fellow - National Center for Biological Sciences, India, Bhalla Lab

PhD - Computer engineering, École Polytechnique de Montréal

MASc - Computer engineering, École Polytechnique de Montréal

BEng - Computer engineering, École Polytechnique de Montréal

Research interests:

In my group, we build realistic models of biological systems and develop analysis computational methods to study their control mechanisms. 

Our mathematical and computational models are built from experimental data and allow for the exploration of the complex dynamics of biological systems. We use concepts from control theory to explain the mechanisms of cell regulation, signal transduction in particular. This helps us understand the response of systems, how a system behavior can be altered to become pathological and which interventions will restore it to a normal behavior. We develop the dynamic graph methodology and use formal methods as tools to discover new knowledge in cell biology.

We work in collaboration with biologists to integrate modeling and simulation to the «wet lab» experimental process to generate new hypotheses. We also plan to develop a new generation of theoretical models of neurons that will combine electrophysiology, biochemistry and ionic fluxes.